We believe our teenagers face many challenges in today’s culture and are bombarded with false teaching through a variety of means. It is important to us as a church to provide an opportunity for teenagers to build healthy relationships with other godly, caring adults to provide another voice teaching and living out the gospel before them. Our desire is to join families and raise up disciple makers in our church in such a way that graduation celebration could also be a sending out of missionaries and minister’s to universities and the work force to the glory of God and our joy.
FBC Oloh Youth Ministry exists to provide a support to parents and the community in the disciple making of teenagers. Our youth ministry is 6th-12th grade.

Weekly Ministry
Sunday School – 9:00 am
Youth gather in small group bible study utilizing The Gospel Project curriculum.
Wednesday Night – 6:30 pm
On Wednesday nights we seek to have a fun environment where students can be encouraged in their faith mid-week and so to hopefully finish the week strong. We sing songs, play some goofy games, study books of the bible together, and topical studies related to youth culture.
Event Ministry
Throughout the year we will set aside time for various fellowships, camps, retreats, and mission projects to create margin for relationship building with Jesus and one another and to live out the life of Christ together.